All products have a 14 day “no-questions-asked” money back guarantee. You can return the product for any reason. Our guarantee is almost unconditional: the returned product must be undamaged and in a condition that we can sell it to the next customer as a new product, please be particularly careful when removing the factory packaging as damaged or missing packaging may affect our decision to accept the return. We want to be fair to you but also to the next customer who orders that product.
Products on the website are covered by a one year guarantee but this does not cover accidental or willful damage or normal wear and tear. Most of our products are designed as summer goods so, for example, if you left you new hammock out all year round it would fade and the fabric would weaken. Asking for a refund 11 months after buying it would not be entertained. The same is true of the hammock stands none of which are designed to be left out 365. We endeavour to sell only good quality products from reputable manufacturers so please treat them with respect and they will last you for years. The Irish winter is tough on hammocks.
It is very important that any returned products do not get damaged in transit. We know it can be difficult to get everything back in the box the same way the factory did it but please use your common sense. Be especially careful with hammock stands as if metal or wood parts are loose they can damage each other and this would affect our decision to accept the return and issue a refund. using newspaper or bubble wrap to protect the pieces is a good idea. If you have doubts about how to protect products in transit please get in touch so we can advise you.
Before making a return you must contact us first to ensure that it is eligible and that we are expecting it.
We will arrange and cover the cost of collection of faulty products although if we deem a replacement part or repair is a more suitable option we will inform you of that to ensure the best solution is found.
Refunds are made to the same credit card or Paypal account as was used for the purchase. If you wish to change the item for another product from the website you will pay (or be refunded) the difference in price between the two products.
Please remember to include your contact details and ideally your order number with the returned item, if we don’t know who it is from we can’t help you.
Sorry, there is no refund for delivery costs.
Address for returns:
Hammockolgy Ltd
Co Cork