Hammocks for Therapy
Swinging as a therapy can be an important part of the sensory integration for Special Needs children, and adults also.
Therapists, parents and teachers can use swings effectively to reinforce any therapy objectives for children and provide sensory diets for special needs children. As most people find gentle rocking soothing, hammocks have the potential to gentle comfort and relax anyone. In addition, swings can act as a strong motivator.
“Swinging is beneficial to people whose sensory systems are still developing and getting organised, as is the sensation of being cocooned. – Wonderfully in a hammock you can get both of these sensations simultaneously. Many people will find this mixture of sensations soothing meaning that the option of chilling out in a hammock can be used to deescalate a situation where stress is building.”
Joanna Grace: The sensory Projects
As we are far from experts in the complex field of special needs, we take our cue from real life users of our products. Therefore, we offer a range of items and accessories suitable for therapeutic purposes.
Cork based Hammockology has been selling hammocks in Ireland since 2002 and is proud to offer the most comprehensive range of hammock products currently available in this country.
Recently we have been getting an increasing number of inquiries and sales from Parents of Special Needs Children, and institutions, for our products to be used for therapeutic purposes.
One such inquiry came from Fiona O ‘Leary at Autistic Rights Together (ART).
We sent a Hammock Chair to Fiona and asked her for a review of our product:
“I am a Mother to five wonderful children and two of my children are on the Autistic Spectrum. I am also the founder of Autistic Rights Together, a non-profit organisation representing the Autistic community.
The Hammock Chair we received from Hammockology is enjoyed by all the family but it has been most beneficial to our 11 year old Autistic Son.
Our Son uses the chair regularly and it helps him relax after a day in School or when he has a Sensory Overload which is common with an Autism Diagnosis.
Our Son finds the swinging motion self-soothing and it helps him to Self-Regulate and most importantly he enjoys it!
I highly recommend the Hammock Chair and the Service and Hospitality of Hammockology is superb!”
Fiona O’Leary ART
For more exploration of the merits of swing therapy please see these informative articles by especialneeds.com and Marina Mironov.